chris_stevens.jpgCUBA:  Libya attack condemned

HAVANA – A Foreign Ministry statement condemned the deadly attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Libya that killed four American diplomats.

It was a rare show of solidarity with the island's Cold War enemy, particularly concerning a part of the world where their differences could not be greater. The statement said violence against diplomats was not justified “anywhere, or under any circumstances.”

GRENADA:   Media Criticized

ST. GEORGE'S – Finance Minister Nazim Burke accused local media of scaring off investors by reporting stories that don't always show the island in a flattering light. In an interview on government radio, Burke said “certain journalistic forces” have played a part in the country's struggles to attract more investors. Hamlet Mark, former chief of the Grenada Broadcasting Network, said Burke must recognize that journalists are supposed to ask hard question and report facts.

HAITI:   Homicides Tied To Gangs

PORT-AU-PRINCE — The bulk of recent homicides in the capital are tied to gang warfare, Ivan Simonovic of the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, said In an interview.  A recent report by United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon on the U.N. peacekeeping mission in Haiti said July was the most violent month since the January 2010 earthquake, with 134 murders recorded, compared to an average of 99 murders per month from March to July.


*Pictured above is U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens being beaten and dragged through the streets of Libya.