school-bus_web.jpgFORT LAUDERDALE — This school year the Broward County School District is offering the Universal-Free Breakfast Program to students attending 80 district schools. The schools qualified to participate in the program were determined by the state of Florida, which makes Universal-Free School Breakfast meals available to all students in each elementary, middle and high school where 80 percent or more of the students are eligible for free or reduced-priced meals.

No registration is required to participate in the Universal-Free Breakfast Program.  Breakfast is served before the start of the school day.

Parents may contact their child’s school to confirm they are among the 80 Broward County elementary, middle and high schools participating in the Universal-Free Breakfast Program, and breakfast serving times.

The cost of breakfast served at all other district schools is $1.20 for elementary school students and $1.30 for middle and high school students. Students who qualify for free or reduced-price lunch, also qualify for free or reduced-price breakfast. Qualifications are based

on household income and are completely confidential. 

Officials stress that breakfast is important because it provides the necessary energy to start a day of learning and achievement, yet too many children miss out on this most critical meal of the day.

A school breakfast provides 25 percent of the recommended daily allowance of protein, calcium, iron, vitamins A and C and calories and meets the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

Numerous studies have shown that breakfast can improve a student’s memory, test scores, school attendance and cut down on visits to the school nurse.  Research has also shown that children who eat breakfast each day have a higher intake of vitamins and minerals and maintain a healthier weight than those who skip breakfast.

For more information on applying for free and reduced-price meals visit