movie_tickets.jpgMIRAMAR – The Miramar Cultural Center/ArtsPark Independent Film Series presents Bag It as part of the South Arts Southern Circuit Tour of Independent Filmmakers on Thursday, Nov. 8 at 7:30 p.m.

The cultural center is located at 2400 Civic Center Pl. on Red Road, north of Miramar Parkway, in Miramar. Tickets are $15 with a two-show Film Series subscription offering a savings of 10 percent and three-show subscription offering a savings of 15 percent. Tickets are available at 954-602-4500 or online at 

Following the screening, narrator and actor Jeb Berrier will engage in a discussion with the audience about the film and his work as a filmmaker.
Plastic is everywhere and infiltrates lives in unimaginable and frightening ways. Bag

It, a touching and often flat-out-funny film, follows everyman Berrier, who is not a tree-hugger, as he embarks on a global tour to unravel the complexities of a plastic world.

What starts as a film about plastic bags evolves into a wholesale investigation of plastic and its effect on our waterways, oceans  and our bodies. Bag It shows what a crazy-for-plastic world has wrought and what can be done about it.

Of special interest to coastal South Florida audiences will be the film’s examination of the effect of plastic on the world’s oceans, detailing facts such as that 14 million pounds of trash end up in the ocean each year and an estimated 100,000 marine mammals and sea birds die each year from becoming entangled in or ingesting plastic debris.

Plastic debris resembles plankton — fish food — and there is 40 times more plastic than plankton in some parts of the ocean creating a way for plastic to enter our food chain.

The eye-opening film has been making its way around the festival circuit and racking up the honors. Bag It has received awards at the Sedona International Film Festival, Monterey Blue Oceans Film Festival, Princeton Environmental Film Festival, Mountainfilm in Telluride, Port Townsend Film Festival, Eco Focus Film Festival, Wild & Scenic Film Festival, Flagstaff Mountain Film Festival, Hawaii Waimea Ocean Film Festival and Ashland Independent Film Festival.

Other films being screened as part of the series include Eating Alabama (Feb. 21, 2013); Daisy Bates: First Lady of Little Rock (March 14, 2013); and Follow the Leader (April 11, 2013).

The Southern Circuit Tour of Independent Filmmakers is a program of South Arts. Southern Circuit screenings are funded in part by a grant from South Arts in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts.

South Arts, a nonprofit regional arts organization, was founded in 1975 to build on the South’s unique heritage and enhance the public value of the arts.

South Arts’ work responds to the arts environment and cultural trends with a regional perspective. South Arts offers an annual portfolio of activities designed to address the role of the arts in impacting the issues important to our region, and to link the South with the nation and the world through the arts.