alberto-m-carvalho_web.jpgMIAMI — The Miami-Dade schools system and The Foundation for New Education Initiatives, a nonprofit organization supporting the schools, has launched “Bringing Wireless to the Classroom,” a campaign to raise $7 million by January 31, 2012.


These funds will be matched by federal dollars at a rate of $100 for every $10 raised locally, yielding up to $70 million to

fund needed technology improvements in Miami-Dade’s public schools.

The goal is that all schools will be Wi-Fi connected by the 2012-2013 school year.  The foundation is urgently seeking contributions from local businesses and private citizens to meet the Federal Communications Commission E-Rate program’s January 31, 2012 deadline to have the local funding in place. 

School district administrators estimate that it costs about $200,000 to improve the wireless technology in each school. Digital enhancements provided with these funds will expedite the provision of

essential improvements, particularly in older schools where infrastructure does not easily support hardwired devices or broadband connectivity.

Beyond enhancing the learning environment for every child, said Superintendent of Schools Alberto Carvalho, is the opportunity “to spur private sector job creation as contracts are issued to perform the work associated with the installation and maintenance of digital upgrades districtwide.”

To contribute online, visit, click the donate button, and request that the funds be given to the “Give Kids the World – A World of Technology” program.