There are probably hundreds of books that, like The Secret (see page 4C), promote the premise that your mind and thoughts are far more powerful than you realize. As interest in the topic grows, readers may be inclined to read other perspectives on the topic. Below are five “Law of Attraction” type books that are worth checking out. They are listed in no particular order.

1) The Power of Intention Wayne Dyer

Best-selling author and inspiration speaker, the late Wayne Dyer writes from experience and in a user-friendly approach to manifesting abundance in every aspect of life. Al- though in this book the word ‘attraction’ is replaced with ‘intention’ the meanings are still the same. The soothing qualities in this book are superb for readers looking to learn how to identify and drop negative aspects of their life and shows the way forward to becoming a ‘creator’ of your own universe.

2) The Science of Getting Rich Wallace D. Wattles

This is the book that inspired Rhonda Byrne to write The Secret and the opening sentence in the preface says it all:

‘This book is pragmatically, not philosophiIt is intended for the men and cal; a practical manual, not a treatise upon theories. women whose most pressing need is for money; who wish to get rich first, and philosophize afterward’

This book is over 100 years old and its material remains timeless. Direct and incredibly useful, this easy-to-follow book shows readers how to overcome mental barriers and create for themselves all that they could ever want.

3) Think and Grow Rich Napoleon Hill First published in 1937, the title of the book implies that its content is solely focused on the accumulation of money. That’s only a part of it; a big part, but only one facet of living a truly prosperous life. It has sold millions and is still selling, for good reason. Follow the principles of this book and every aspect of your life improves, resulting in an overall abundant life. This book also spawned Think and Grow Rich: A Black Choice by Dennis Kimbro; another classic must read.

4) As a Man Thinketh James Allen/As a Woman Thinketh Dorothy Hulst

Every single experience in your life is the result of your thoughts. That is the premise for this classic and its feminine counterpart. Reading it clarifies the connection between the way you think and how you manifest your circumstances. Short and to the point, its intention is to help the reader to take responsibility for his/her life by taking responsibility for his/her thoughts. Small but powerful; Allen’s book is uplifting and empowering at the same time, expanding on the idea that everything; including our health, finances, relationships and happiness are completely within our control.

5) Thoughts Are Things Prentice Mulford The age of this book is more evidence that the ideas about thoughts creating things is not a new concept. Over one hundred years old, this precious book reinforces the power of thought and as well as covering topics that many modern LOA books cover, such as wealth, success, love and health; he also delves into less explored topics such as courage.