Quick! Look over there: it’s the MOABs! But not to worry, only ISIS were killed, and it was so far away from the USA.

Quick! Look over here: Sean Spicer is imploding, and not just on Saturday Night Live! Hitler never used gas?

“Spicer makes a great fall guy for ignorant, arrogant, uneducated Americans; i.e. a privileged white guy who can continue to just offer a mea culpa over egregious mistakes, yet keep his job.”

Spicer makes a great fall guy for ignorant, arrogant, uneducated Americans (i.e. a privileged white guy who can continue to just offer a mea culpa over egregious mistakes, yet keep his job.)

Now, quickly, look way over on the other side of the world: Mike Pence in Southeast Asia (with not a woman in sight)! He carries himself like he is ready to body slam anyone who gets in his way. He really scares me.

And I hope you didn’t miss this one: closer to home, the Easter egg roll did take place at the White House-after all! There were wooden eggs – a few gold ones – and people smiled and looked happy. Commendably, the show went on even if the children may have gotten their last glimpse of a Sesame Street character since PBS funding has been cut!

You may have missed this one: Trump’s tax filings. Just kidding. You didn’t miss that one. Seriously, with all the smoke and mirrors thrown up around Trump and the shenanigans by his White House staff and family members, e.g. who is trumping who to win the President’s ear, which of his supporters are playing footsies with the Russians, his hair color and style, the size of his hands and buttocks, his wife’s stay in New York, her potential business gains from her office, the Kushners’ expanded roles, etc., the first 100 days of the Trump administration – with all the attendant real/fake news – has been a feast for the American appetite for train wrecks.

I admit, I’m also guilty. In an earlier column, I lamented how I could not begin my days before reading a full news summary from CNN and a few other ‘liberal’ news outlets, like Facebook; you know, checking on the safety of my immediate surroundings, the state of the union, as well as the world-at-large.

Boy, have we gotten the mother of all train wrecks.

But lately, my trusted ‘news’ sources have gotten trapped in the cycle of reporting on all things Trump – no matter how insignificant.

The size of his slice of chocolate cake? Please. Just because he said it, I don’t care to see or hear it repeated, ad nauseam.

Not when some matters of more importance have taken rear seats in the news, e.g.

the Arkansas plan to execute eight people over a two week period because the lethal drug used in the state sanctioned killing is scheduled to expire after that period of time!

Is expediency the new bottom line for how we measure the value of human life?

What kind of society are we living in when, actually, no lives matter?

I care that we kill people in the name of a State’s right. I think it is wrong.

I know there are many who would differ with me. They might ask me to put myself in the place of a family member who has had a relative murdered. Wouldn’t I want their killer to be executed, they’d ask me.


I can think of many punishments more painful than death. Besides, execution has been proven not to be an effective deterrent to murder. So why do we do it?

Or, take the matter of school lunches: a State’s right currently being debated.

“What kind of society are we living in when, actually, no lives matter? I care that we kill people in the name of a State’s right. I think it is wrong.”

Personally, I think all children should be fed a nutritious meal before attempting to navigate the school day, and another one during the school day – for free!

I know. I know.

Some children/families can afford to pay for school breakfasts/lunches, and individual tax-payers should have the right to determine where their tax dollars go. But to feed the hungry or not, should not be up for a vote.

A humane society should not kill its prisoners; and it should feed its children. To me, it’s a universal application of sane and sound priorities to take care of its citizens – including the elderly, none of which are being supported by this administration.

Recent polls suggest that the whole world is laughing at us/our leaders. They are also fearful. Is there really that much difference between the personalities of Trump and Kim?

Take heed, we are being judged. Yes, by the size of our bombs, and for how we treat the least of our people.

If, for a moment, you can peel your gaze away from the debris of the train wreck, ask yourself: can you comfortably continue to gaze at the signs of growing discontent demonstrated throughout the country, and be satisfied with the daily side shows and entertainment news?

No? Then you can do something to make America great again.

Pick up your phone; call your representatives. Write to your Congressman. Remember the mid-term elections.

Find your passion/cause. March. Protest. Demonstrate. Agitate. Educate.

Your voice matters. Your vote matters. You matter.