The Committee of Five – John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman and Robert Livingston – drafted the Declaration of Independence on July 2, 1776, and adopted the proclamation 241 years ago, July 4, 1776. “The Continental Congress declared that thirteen American colonies regarded themselves as a new nation, the United States of America, and were no longer part of the British Empire.” – Wikipedia.

As Americans celebrated Independence Day, there appeared to be confusion and disorganization on all levels of our government, and the world is watching. Stability, justice and unity are no longer goals for our political leaders, and policies are being built on lies.

With the election of a president with no political experience, Donald Trump is experiencing “on the job training.” When the president is considered an international criminal and con man by the majority of Americans, his administration is also thought to be corrupt.

When the president hires an individual like Michael Flynn to be the national security advisor, and he is suspected to be in collusion with the Russians, there is a fundamental problem with Trump’s character analysis.

There has been no major legislation passed on Capitol Hill since President Trump has taken power. Trump says that 40 bills have been signed since he has been president, but most of them have eliminated or changed an Obama regulation or implemented a small provision. The most significant action for Trump and the Republican Party has been the confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch.

“For now, the party’s marquee items remain undone, their fate uncertain. The long promised effort to overturn former President Barack Obama’s healthcare law hangs in limbo in the Senate after barely passing the House. A tax overhaul, a Trump priority, is unwritten and in dispute despite his recent claim on Twitter that it’s ahead of schedule,” says Erica Werner, an Associated Press writer.

Again, coming from the White House is a diversity of lies because there is no tax bill moving through Congress. There are now fewer than five weeks left before Congress goes on its summer vacation and it appears no major legislative bills will be completed until September.

At this point in the country, only 17 percent of Americans support the Senate healthcare bill, and no Democrats are on board with the bill. Even many Republicans think the bill is atrocious because more than 22 million Americans would lose coverage, and the wealthy would benefit from a tax giveaway.

Many in the mainstream media are calling Trump mentally impaired, and unfit to govern the country. “Looming over everything is the investigation into allegations of Russian meddling in the 2016 campaign and connections with the Trump campaign. That investigation is in the hands of a special prosecutor and Congress intelligence committees,” explains Ms. Werner.

On a national level, America appears to be a soap opera, and Trump’s administration is falling apart. Many of the high level officials are hiring independent attorneys, and European leaders fear Trump’s chaos is undermining US power.

World leaders have been seen in the media mocking and making fun of Trump while he’s giving speeches. Trump’s Commerce secretary was speaking on a large screen to European leaders until he was literally interrupted in the middle of his speech because the speech was taking too long.

Trump’s relationship with the world is strained, and the perception of America’s power has decreased with the election of this president. Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris Climate Agreement is harmful to our country and 195 nations around the world.

The world is watching Trump, as he operates without a moral compass and any decency. There is no telling how he will further embarrass America and the office of the presidency, and our founding fathers are asking, how could this debacle happen to America?