Miami and Hollywood, Fla. – The Miami Rescue Mission (MRM) and Broward Outreach Centers (BOC) served more than 300 families with supplies for their own Thanksgiving dinners with the help of more than 30 volunteers on Saturday, Nov. 21.

At the Miami campus more than 200 families lined up around the Wynwood streets for their holiday blessing. There was a check-in tent to ensure each fam-

ily in line was pre-registered to get their food. After check-in they pulled into the Miami Rescue Mission parking lot with their car trunks open. Each family in both campuses received rice, bread, Cliff bars, canned goods, a case of water, a case of soda, a case of PowerAde, juice and a frozen turkey 


As each family drove through, volunteers and staff cheered them on.

Asthey approached the end of the line special faith-partner volunteers prayed over the cars and families for the Thanksgiving season.

Church families were even received lots of turkeys so those faith partners will have food to bless the ones in their congregations that they know need it the most.

At the Hollywood campus, where more than 100 families lined up around Scott Street, similar to the Miami Give A Way, as each family drove through volunteers and staff cheered them on as they received their food. As they approached the end of the line special faith volunteers from the Bethel Worship Center prayed over their cars and families for the Thanksgiving season.

CONDUIT FOR BLESSINGS “We strive to show love and compassion to the homeless and at-risk families in our community with no strings attached,” said the Rev. Ronald Brummitt, president of MRM/BOC. “Our supporters are essential to our efforts to rescue and restore those who are hurting. Thanks to our incredible supporters and volunteers we are able to be a conduit and pass the blessings that come to us to the most needy in our communities; the homeless and also at-risk families. Hope truly starts with a meal.”

Both events were made possible by many giving partners and their charitable donations.

Since 1922 the Miami Rescue Mission/Broward Outreach Centers, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, has served the homeless and needy of South Florida, all done with Christian compassion and encouragement. Contact or visit