Christian Newswire
RALEIGH, NC – V.K. Fields has learned many things as an author, minister, entrepreneur and educator. Now she’s sharing tips for making life easier in her newest book, “The Anointing of Ease.” Inspired by the biblical passage of scripture found in Matthew 11:28-30, Fields combines biblical teachings and common life experiences to present solutions for walking in God’s blessings and His original promised anointing of ease: “Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest… for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” (KJV)
In an excerpt from the 150-page book, Fields says: “If your life has become a difficult and joyless routine stuck in the status quo, then “The Anointing of Ease” may fuel the spiritual momentum you’ve been seeking. The Anointing of Ease is fool- proof because it relies solely on the knowledge, words, and wisdom of your Creator; the Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent One. The rules are simple because they aren’t rules at all – they are promises. The only requirement is to activate your God-given Power, Authority, and Dominion (P.A.D.) as needed – utilizing the tools of Obedience, Faith, and Favor (O.F.F.).
“Would you like for your life to be easier? It is simply a matter of your will, which should only be a reflection of His will. Everything you really need to know to have the life you really want is simple – and more times than not, it’s easy because you are a believer and a follower of Christ Jesus. Following Christ means that we study His life, follow His example, and generate results similar to His. Here are five Easy Thoughts for Easy Living: 1) I will take God at His Word; 2) I will choose my battles carefully, because the war is already won; 3) I will choose to see people only as God sees them; 4) I will live my life ‘always on’ because the host of heaven is watching me; and 5) I will not make my life any harder than it needs to be.”
V.K. Fields is a minister, college professor and entrepreneur. She is founder of Miracle Ministries Inc., a Christian outreach organization; and also owner of V.K. Fields & Co. PR PROS, an award-winning public relations agency. To read her full biography and learn more about the book, visit
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