As I plan my summer of 2023, I am trying something different. A different mindset. I want to get the most out of this beautiful, hot, muggy, sunshiny and rainy summer. I became a Florida resident in the summer of 2005, two days before the historic hurricane Katrina. What excited me about Florida is the climate. For a person who lived much of her life in Michigan, Florida is a fascinating place to live. With temperatures that stay somewhere in the mid-80s year-round except for the winter months, a transplanted Michigander really flourishes in this state. You acclimate to that muggy atmosphere that envelopes you, almost drowning your lungs in heat and moisture. Then you embrace the balminess, becoming accustomed to the tropical climate and falling in love with it. I can say now that I truly understand why so many have fallen in love with Florida and make the state a seasonal to-do every year, or simply a parttime or permanent place of residence.

For African Americans, Florida is rich in our history going back to the Spanish explorers who first landed in St. Augustine in the 16th century. But the politics of my beloved adopted home leaves much to be desired. My love of Florida compels me to write what comes next.

I support the NAACP travel ban. Florida Republicans have created an intolerable environment for African Americans, Indigenous People, and the LGBTQI community through their legislative bullying tactics. It is unfortunate that such a beautiful place is being exploited by politicians who have allowed ignorance and bigotry to roam free and unchecked. It is shameful that a state that millions of Americans from across the country, and tourists from around the world, flock to every year to enjoy “the happiest place on Earth,” has decided to openly persecute its own citizens and sanction the proliferation of the myth of White supremacy. That is why I support the NAACP travel ban for African Americans.

As much as I love my adopted state, I cannot say that the feeling is mutual. But as I mentioned at the onset, I am entering the summer of 2023 with a new mindset. I am entering this summer with intention. It is my intention to immerse myself in Florida history. Floridian Black history that is. There is so much to learn and discover about our history here and how we helped shape this great state. I believe that by understanding and acquiring knowledge of the history of African Americans in Florida I will be more equipped to fight for democracy and our battle against the myth of White supremacy in this state. I want to go to the places where our history is deeply buried within the soil of time, and learn how African American Floridians not only survived slavery pre–Civil War but thrived during faux Reconstruction and Jim Crow because there is a lesson in that for us today. The Akan proverb of Sankofa, to paraphrase it, reminds us that if we do not know and understand our past, how can we create a progressive future? My intent this summer of 2023 is to feel the ancestors and let them vibe with me and retell their story so that I can in some way honor them and make strides to do more on my journey in this life.

I think that a lot of times as a journalist living in a news driven society, stories come quickly, and with the progression of the hour, rapidly change. However, there are stories that deserve to be revisited. Such as the discovery of long forgotten African American cemeteries here in Florida. There are two within 20 miles from my home. My intention is to visit these cemeteries, one of which resides on the property of a local high school, and find out exactly what our local officials plan to do about these sacred areas.

The next immediate intention has to do with not just talking about it but being about it. I plan to become a member of the NAACP by the time this article is published. It is important to me that the voices of African American Floridians are heard and respected across the state and around the country, but first and foremost, right here in my backyard. The banning of books and the erasure of our history by white-washing or censuring cannot go unanswered. It is time to put up or shut up.

Becoming more active is my intention in summary. I love this adopted state of mine and I desire it to accept and embrace ALL people, not just those of a certain political affiliation, specific gender or sexual identity, or race. For the NAACP travel ban to be lifted, a lot of groundwork will have to be done and that means bodies. People. I intend to do my part.

I encourage you to join me in becoming a member of the NAACP or any other organization with a Florida base whose mission is to end 21st century Jim Crow in the Sunshine State. In the words of MC Hammer, “let’s get it started!”