What will Congressional Democrats tell their constituents when their refusal to work with the president on resolving the fullblown emergency crisis at the southern border leads to the spread of communicable diseases such as the deadly Ebola virus into American communities?

Following on the heels of the National Geographic channel’s ratings record setting “The Hot Zone” about a feared outbreak of the dreaded and deadly Ebola virus in the United States, U.S. Border Patrol agents apprehended the first large group of people from Africa — including nationals from Angola, Cameroon, and Congo.

Already, the deadly Ebola outbreak in eastern Congo has surpassed 2,000 cases and is “picking up speed.”

As Daniel Horowitz writes in the June 3 issue of Conservative Review: “While the problems of mumps, tuberculosis, scabies, and chicken pox from Central America are bad enough, the influx of African migrants takes the concern of contagious diseases to an entirely new level.”

He points out that the Congo is undergoing the worst Ebola outbreak in recent memory, with over 1,300 fatalities since last August. Regarding Cameroon, he cites Centers for Disease Control (CDC) statistics stating that Cameroon is experiencing a “measles outbreak, along with the longstanding problems of many other diseases, such as yellow fever, hepatitis, malaria, and typhoid.”

He adds that the same measles outbreak is also in Angola, which borders Congo to the south. It has shut its Congo border because of the Ebola outbreak.

Apparently, Congressional Democrats — and some spine-challenged Republicans — opposing tariffs on Mexico, don’t seem to care about the danger of diseases that floods of illegal immigrants could bring into their communities — within days and even hours of arriving.

Thomas Homan, former Acting Director of Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE), said that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi needed to “love your country a little more than you hate this president.”

The same applies to Congressional Democrats!

Fortunately, there is a group that recognizes the severe public health implications of the flood of illegal immigrants: “Independent Women’s Voice” (IWV). On its website, it asks Americans to sign a petition to “Stop the Spread of Infectious Diseases.”

It urges the Trump administration to “redouble” efforts to secure our borders and di rect the CDC to ensure that all those entering the country show “proof of vaccination.”

Why is that important? As IWV states, those “illegally crossing the southern border are not just coming from Mexico, Central or South America, but also from East Asia, Africa… The potential to bring in diseases and contagions is great and poses a serious public health threat.”

It’s too bad Congressional Democrats, and their friends in the media, don’t share IWV’s insights.

How ironic that these are the same Democrats and Progressives who claim to have so much compassion.

Not only can Congressional Democrats’ resistance lead to an outbreak of Ebola and other communicable disease among the thousands of illegal immigrants flooding the country, similar dangers exist in West coast cities — controlled by their political soulmates — facing serious health problems due to the spread of diseases born by fleas and feces in a growing homeless crisis.

A June 3 Los Angeles Times headline read: “Filth from homeless camps is luring rats to L.A. City Hall, report says.” It got so bad that rodents invaded the building.

An Atlantic.com article warned that “Medieval Diseases Are Infecting California’s Homeless” stating that, “Typhus, tuberculosis and other illnesses are spreading quickly through camps and shelters.”

Former California legislator Chuck DeVore, writing in Forbes.com, says that, “It’s the chronically homeless who are at the heart of L.A.’s deteriorating conditions, as well as those in other major West Coast cities—San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle and Portland.” In his headline, he asks a key question: “Are L.A.’s Medieval Diseases Coming to Your City?”

So, who’s at fault for these epidemic disease-fostering foul-smelling homeless communities littered with human body waste and drug syringes in cities from San Diego to Seattle?

While congressional Democrats could be blamed for any disease outbreaks in the country resulting from the massive flood of illegal immigrants, many blame their political soul mates at the state and local level and their permissive policies for the current disease festering conditions in many West Coast cities.

As Tammy Bruce, president of the IWV referenced above wrote May 30 in The Washington Times: “The latest indictment of liberal leadership is the trash heap of Los Angeles… This is the idiotic disaster brought to you by unrestrained liberal leadership… ”

On a final note, if being blamed for any outbreak of infectious diseases does not concern Democrats, the possibility of ISIS terrorists coming across the southern border launching massive terror attacks in our cities should.

Clarence V. McKee is president of McKee Communications, Inc., a government, political, and media relations consulting firm in Florida.