Today, Congressional Black Caucus Chairwoman Joyce Beatty (OH-03) and the Congressional Black Caucus released the following statement:

“We are proud to stand with President Biden and Vice President Harris today in Georgia — the birthplace of voting rights champions Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr and our dear late Congressman John Lewis — as they call for a carve out of the Senate legislative filibuster. The fierce urgency of now requires we remain committed to ensuring voting rights is a priority. Protecting the cornerstone of our democracy — the sacred right to vote — is non-negotiable. We must use every avenue available to us to defend the most foundational pillar of American democracy, especially as we face unprecedented threats to our democracy. The Congressional Black Caucus will never waiver in our defense of equal access to the ballot box and has voted consistently to protect the right to vote. Today, we are calling on the Senate to take swift action on voting rights, said Congressional Black Caucus Chairwoman Joyce Beatty.

“Last year, at least 19 states passed 34 laws to restrict access to the ballot box. These dangerous attacks undermine faith in our elections and rob Americans – especially Americans of color – of their fundamental right to participate in our democracy. As we start a new year, the Senate must seize the moment and pass comprehensive voting rights legislation to guarantee safe, secure, and free elections for voters,” said Congressman Steven Horsford. “History is watching, and the time to act is now.”

“The unprecedented attacks on our democracy and the sacred right to vote—particularly that of Black, Latinx, Indigenous, and other marginalized communities—make plain that we are still in the midst of the Civil Rights Movement, and we must legislate accordingly,” said Congresswoman Ayanna Pressley. “Dr. King rightfully called out the Jim Crow filibuster as a major barrier to progress and civil rights, and preserving the filibuster should not be more important than preserving our democracy. To truly honor his legacy, we must abolish the filibuster so we can pass meaningful voting rights legislation, keep power in the hands of the people, and legislate to address the hurt and harm inflicted on our communities through generations of policy violence. We need to move with urgency and I’m glad President Biden and Vice President Harris are taking action.”

“The right to vote is the foundation of a true democracy,” said Congresswoman Kelly. “This right is under attack across the country. We cannot sit by and watch as our democratic process is threatened. We must act now to protect this fundamental right for generations to come.”

“Our democracy is in crisis, and it has long been clear that the only way to save it is to reform the Jim Crow filibuster to pass vital voting rights legislation,” said Congressman Mondaire Jones (D-NY). “As the proud author of key provisions of both the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, and the first member of Congress to call on President Biden to publicly endorse filibuster reform for voting rights, I am thrilled to see the President engaging in this fight with the full force of his office. With Republicans in Washington and around the country working nonstop to suppress the vote and undermine free and fair elections, time is of the essence.”