Orlando, Fla.: Today Rep. Val Demings (FL-10) released the following statement.

Said Rep. Demings, “A career in law enforcement taught me that the only thing a bully understands is strength. The Russian invasion of Ukraine is an outrage. It is unprovoked, the act of a coward, despite attempts by Russia to falsely manufacture an excuse for war. Now, we must show President Putin our nation’s unwavering resolve, and impose the toughest sanctions in history against the Russian government, oligarchs, and enablers of the so-called ‘independent’ states in Ukraine’s sovereign territory.

“We must keep Americans in the region safe, prevent further escalation, and work with our European allies to support the Ukrainian people with arms and humanitarian assistance. Putin and his corrupt regime must pay a personal price for the lives that he is taking and the chaos he is causing. The German government’s decision to halt Nord Stream 2 is just the beginning. I have led efforts in Congress to target Putin, the oligarchs who support him, and their criminal financial networks. I call on Congress and the administration to continue these efforts. Russia’s corrupt leaders must face the penalties for starting a war of conquest.”