Miami Gardens, Fla. – Fred’s Closet hosted an Anti-Gun Violence Community Day event Saturday at Scott Lake Park in Miami Gardens to increase awareness in the community and enlightenment for the young people regarding resources within their community. An alarming statistic is that one of four Black men will encounter gun violence in his lifetime. But imagine of losing not one, not two, but three sons due to gun violence. Fred Killings, at bottom wearing black T-shirt, Howard University graduate and Miami Edison High School alumnus, experienced this tragedy with his family. In response he created the nonprofit Fred’s Closet, meaning “Family Readiness Enrichment & Development Services Closet,” and Closet meaning “One never knows what another person is going through, hence the dynamics of mental health, and how important for one’s quality of life.” Bounce houses and games for children were provided and an assortment of vendors were in attendance. Mayor Rodney Harris and Florida Sen. Sherwin Jones were among of the elected officials who came out to speak about gun violence. Visit or call 786-277-9168.