Uninsured Broward residents have two weeks left to sign up for affordable healthcare coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace. This is the last chance for Broward residents to enroll before the Jan. 31 deadline. Coverage will begin March 1. Broward Regional Health Planning Council (BRHPC) and its partners are working to alert Broward County residents that it is important for them to sign up by Jan. 31.

Individuals and families, even if they have been denied insurance in the past, can log onto www.brhpc.org or www.coveringflorida.org, or call 2-1-1 for help in the enrollment process and to learn about potential financial assistance.

According to the Health Insurance Marketplace, eight in 10 of the uninsured eligible for Marketplace coverage qualifies for savings via subsidies that will lower the cost of the monthly premiums. Under the Affordable Care Act, individuals who don’t have medical insurance in 2016 will face a tax penalty of $695 per adult and $347.50 per child, or 2.5 percent of “countable income” — whichever is greater. For many, the penalty will be more than what they will pay in monthly premiums.

“People need to understand that with the subsidies available to them, the cost of insurance can be much less than what the penalty, plus out-of-pocket medical expenses will be,” said Michael DeLucca, president and CEO of Broward Regional Health Planning Council.

According to the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, as of Jan. 7, approximately 11.3 million people had signed up for coverage: 8.6 million through HealthCare.gov in 38 states and another 2.7 million in 13 state-based Marketplaces. As of Jan. 2, 1,569,551 Floridians signed up through HealthCare.gov.

“We still have many Broward residents to reach, and BRHPC and its partners will continue to do so through the deadline. It’s important that these people realize that even though we are down to the wire, there are a lot of affordable plan options still available to them. Medical insurance is a safety net for the unpredictable and unexpected medical care and costs that can affect anyone at any time.”

BRHPC has partnered with several local community-based organizations — 211-Broward, Hispanic Unity of Florida, Urban League of Broward County and Community Access Center — to help make sure individuals and families sign up and get access to the medical coverage they need.

Residents who utilize BRHPC and its partners need to bring the following documentation
with them to their appointment:
• Email Address (an account can be set up at the appointment)
• Social Security number
• Annual Income
• Naturalization or Immigration Documentation

To learn how to enroll, or for more information, call 2-1-1, email getcovered@brhpc.org or log onto www.brhpc.org or www.coveringflorida.org.