Liberals smile, pat yourself on the back and shake your hand. Like petting a dog, Black people react as though deriving great satisfaction from that form of white-people behavior. Liberals also habitually vote for bills affecting Black people, after they have counted and determined that the total vote will fail. But they will have "befriended the Black community." That "loyalty" guarantees the Black vote for Democratic Party candidates up and down all ballots. I call this behavior The Politics of Containment.

Like a dog returning a thrown stick or ball, Black voters return socalled loyalty by accepting what amounts to a hole in a donut as the Black share of America; indeed, of the world! The more compliant (conditioned) Black personalities are paraded on magazine covers and on TV and social media, which elevates them as the "Black Spokesperson," who enunciates the script of "the white supremacy/system culture."

As a group, white people are fully aware that for the present and, perhaps, the foreseeable future, Black and Brown people will remain corralled because we are an amalgam instead of a group.

We have all manner of religions, significantly more are European, a white educational system combined with a near total lack of self-knowledge and a world view absent of self.

Black and Brown people, without the politics of access, face an uncertain near future.

You know schools in stratified socalled Black communities are mostly old, no state-of-art anything, inferior teachers not wanted anywhere else, Black administrators who are mostly just trying to keep a paycheck, and scarce resources, especially when measured with newer, better, white schools -schools within stratified middle and upper middle-class communities.

But Black and Brown communities have churches galore. These are facilities for community betterment, at all levels. When they cannot be utilized as such, they cease to serve a critical purpose and have to be reorganized.

Crime is an integral aspect of both economic and psycho/social poverty, so it can be successfully treated within the framework of comprehensively positive social change.

It doesn’t matter whether Black and Brown educated people want to be Greeks or otherwise, they yet have to organize and strategize for the greater good.

So listen, brothers and sisters, our legacy as Black and Brown disparate people must quickly come to an end. To survive, to have a future of development and constant improvement, organize, organize, organize!