Boynton Beach, Fla. – It’s apparent the American public, plus people all around the world, for that matter, need some good cheer. The year has been dogged by COVID, social and racial unrest, an economic downturn and so much more negativity.

But Libby Hikind, founder and CEO of, wants to spread some good cheer, yes, but more importantly free money through her highly comprehensive grants website. She initially started the grants program to level the playing field for smaller non-profits that may not have had the staff or time to compete with the larger non-profits when it comes to finding and securing major grant funding. But today, has over 25,000 grants in nearly every category in their database and not just for non-profits. Of those, 6000 are currently accepting applications. There are grants specifically for minorities as well as minority- owned businesses, and more, such as women- owned businesses. No matter who you are or what your interest is, there’s likely some free money for you on her site.

But as a result of this year’s horrifying circumstances surrounding racial and social unrest, Hikind came up with another category of grants to address the issue.

“I saw another need,” said Hikind, a former educator, business instructor, grant writer and journalist. “I saw the need for a category for social justice grants.” So now there are grants specifically for minorities; grants to increase racial equity and justice; grants for research of racial bias; grants to increase leadership skills for people of color; grants for sports programs for economically disadvantaged youth; grants promoting arts and culture for people of color; and even grants for Black Leaders working on social justice issues to take a retreat and get away from it all.

“We saw the need to address unity and equality,” said Hikind, who is not of a minority race. But still, she believes it’s important to do her part in addressing inequalities. It’s something she’s always done, and that’s the reasoning behind She wanted the underdog to have as much access as those well funded.

Unlike other grants websites and programs, Hikind tries to address all concerns the grant-seeker may have. The grants are categorized, and one can search the type of grants they are looking for. She even has grant writers for those who need them. “We get new grants every Sunday through Thursday and we’re constantly upgrading.” She also encourages grant-seekers to not limit themselves to a specific and exact category. Widen your search because you may fit into more than one category.

Although her service is a subscription-based service, she even has programs for trial runs and even special programs for those businesses and non-profits in need.

“I like that I’m helping a lot of people and spreading good out there. I have a great team. It’s not just me,” Hikind specified. “I love when people come back and tell me they’ve won a grant.”

And of course, she has opened up a category to address COVID grants.

If anyone is interested in grants of any kind, please visit, or call 561-249-4129. You may also email: