MIAMI BEACH – The City of Miami Beach is hosting a series of workshops to educate families on the dangers of adolescent substance use. The meetings, city officials said, are aimed at equipping parents with the tools and resources to address drug prevention and intervention in teens.

“… I realize the significance early drug prevention and intervention programs have in shaping the lives of our teens,” said Mayor Dan Gelber. “The City of Miami Beach wants you and your family to ‘be in the know’ when it comes to recognizing the signs of adolescent substances abuse. The workshops will provide you with the necessary resources to be able to address these issues in the most effective manner.”

Led by experts Ray Estefania and Ana Moreno of Family Recovery Specialists and facilitated by Miami Beach Chief Learning and Development Officer Dr. Leslie Rosenfeld, the series will cover a wide array of topics related to drug abuse including mental health, technology, states of addiction, marijuana legislation and more.

The workshops hope to teach parents the importance of openly communicating with their children. The instruction will be hands on, said officials.

“In light of the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High, now more than ever, it’s vital we prioritize mental health in the community and recognize its link to substance abuse, said Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez. “These workshops will educate parents on these dangers, set the stage for preventive discussions, and by opening the conversation to include our high schoolers, be monumental in properly addressing the issue in our city and making sure everyone is onboard.”

The following sessions, all of which will be held on Thursdays, will be held at the Miami Beach Golf Club, 2301 Alton Road:

* March 8: 8 a.m., “Most Common Drugs of Abuse in Teens and What Parents Need to Look Out For.”

* March 15: 7 p.m., “Marijuana”