Author Sheri Riley, left, and best friend Tracy Wilson Mourning, have an intimate conversation with attendees at Riley’s book release, held Saturday, June 24 at Miami’s Books & Books.



Special to South Florida Times

MIAMI – Sheri Riley has a plethora of jewels stored in her soul. As she travels the globe, she is sharing those jewels with celebrities, entrepreneurs, corporate executives and busy individuals seeking peace.

On June 24, a beautiful Saturday evening, we sat in the quaint café at Books & Books in Miami to chat about her breakout book, “Exponential Living: Stop Spending 100% of Your Time On 10% Of Who You Are.”

As I stared at the bright-eyed, bold, courageous, influential woman sitting across from me, we delved into natural conversation.

Born in Richmond, a small town in Kentucky, Riley had big dreams of one day living in Atlanta and taking the entertainment industry by storm. She manifested that dream after graduating from the University of Louisville by moving to Atlanta and becoming Senior Director of Marketing at LaFace Records where she helped introduce multi-platinum 90’s artists such as Toni Braxton, TLC and Usher to the world.

She reflected on what her life was like during that time when she was in her mid-twenties.

“I was doing everything that I wanted to do. I was living in Atlanta. I was working my dream job in the entertainment industry, which I loved. I bought my mother a home. But I was miserable. My hair was falling out, I was stressed, burnt out and lacking confidence,” Riley said. “When you work in the entertainment industry – you live in a world of fantasy. I was marketing perception-illusions. My skills and talent took me to a level of success that my character wasn’t ready to sustain. I had the drive yet no confidence.”

In order to build concrete confidence and live in peace, Riley resigned from LaFace and began her journey of ‘Exponential Living.’ The day she resigned, she bought a home and recalls calling her Dad to give him the great news to which he responded, “You’re having a nervous breakdown.”

Riley claims she was not having a nervous breakdown, she was simply embarking on Exponential Living – determined to stop spending 100% of her time on 10% of who she is.

In her words, “Exponential Living is a lifestyle, a mind-set of pursuing peace, choosing clarity and living courageously. To live this lifestyle, one must make the decision, give themselves grace and finally give themselves permission to do so.”

It took Riley seven years of “getting clear and removing distractions” in order to live out her words and get her book out to the masses; three years to find an agent and four years to land her publishing deal which has definitely proven to be one of her life’s tests turned into a testimony!

During this journey of discovery, she realized that she wanted more than just a great career.

She wanted entrepreneurship, marriage, children, travel and fun. How can you have all of these things? Most would answer by balancing your life.

Riley doesn’t believe in a balanced life. She believes in a life that is fully integrated; more importantly, a life of peace.

“We want peace when things are great. We want peace when things are in turmoil. We want a life of peace,” she said.

How many times have you been in a really good place in life – yet you were still stressed out about something?

The jewels stored throughout the pages of “Exponential Living: Stop Spending 100% Of Your Time On 10% Of Who You Are” has the answers.

Follow The 9 Principles of Exponential Living and witness a life change. In order the principles are:

1. Live in your P.O.W.E.R 2. Healthy Living Is More Than Just a Diet 3. Pursue Peace and a Positive Mind 4. Have a Servant’s Heart and a Giving Spirit 5. Stop Working, Start Maximizing 6. Happy Is a Choice, Joy Is a Lifestyle 7. Build Lasting Confidence 8. The Courage to Be Faithful 9. Exponential Living Wrapping up our dialogue for Riley’s highly anticipated conversation to take place one room over with her best friend and soul sister, Tracy Wilson Mourning – broadcast journalist, motivational speaker, philanthropist, entrepreneur and wife of Miami Heat Legend Alonzo Mourning – we agreed that peace is the major key to Exponential Living!

Follow Sheri Riley at, on Facebook @SheriRileydotcom and @ExponentialLiving and on Twitter and Instagram @SheriRiley.