Special to South Florida Times

Board Certified Osteopathic Family Physician, lecturer and business woman Michelle C. Powell, D.O., MPH is a zealous advocate for healthy living and positive thinking.

Dr. Powell is the Founder and CEO of Powell Health Solutions (PHS), a multi-specialty medical practice with centers throughout South Florida. The practice fulfills the physician’s vision of delivering affordable and accessible health care that provides preventative and holistic care to all patients.

September, National Healthy Aging Month, is dedicated to bringing awareness to healthy lifestyle choices and well-being at any age. Dr. Powell and her PHS staff are not only dedicated to better outcomes but encouraging healthy lifestyle changes to sustain them. Powell credits three basic steps to healthy living at any age: conscious eating habits, staying active and regular check-ups.

“The sooner you start working on your health, the better,” said Powell. “By eating right, getting off your couch and going to the doctor regularly, you can lead a healthy lifestyle at any age.”

A popular lecturer on the merits of liv- ing a healthy lifestyle, Powell emphasizes the importance of mental health and its effects on physical health and well-being. The mother of three says a strong mindset and positive spirit play a pivotal role in seeing better results.

“If you do not change the way you think, you do not change the way you behave,” said Powell, who encourages people to get a good night’s sleep (at least six hours) in order to wake up refreshed, a key aspect of living a life of well-being.

With over 20 years of experience, Powell frequently addresses common chronic conditions such as obesity, hypertension, and diabetes, however; she encourages holistic approaches to healthy living, with the less medication, the better.

“Dependency on medication is never a good thing. In order to heal from an illness, medication in moderation and stabilization leads to full recovery,” Powell explained.

Powell’s commitment to promoting healthy living and self-empowerment extends to her service as a founding physician of Women of HOPE (Health Occupations Promoting Education). The nonprofit organization sponsors grassroots education workshops to community groups and churches, and international medical missions; including missions to her native Jamaica.

“Giving back to Jamaica has fulfilled my lifelong mission to promote health education, female empowerment and helpful resources to those back home.” said Powell.

Dr. Powell said sometimes loved ones can be the motivating factor in a per- son’s decision to live a healthier life.

“If you can’t see it for yourself, be- come the best person you can be for your loved ones,” she said.