PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) _ Only 24 percent of Oregon community college students reviewed in a state audit received an associate’s degree or certificate within seven years.

The Oregonian reports (http://bit.ly/1FkbKiR ) that the audit, released Wednesday, found even lower completion rates for most students of color, with 15 percent of black students, 16 percent of Pacific Islanders, 19 percent of multi-racial students, 21 percent of Hispanics and 22 percent of Native Americans receiving degrees.

The Legislature has adopted a so-called 40/40/20 goal, meaning that 40 percent of adults would have at least a bachelor’s degree by 2025. Another 40 percent would have at least an associate’s or technical degree, and 20 percent would have a high school diploma or equivalent.

The audit didn’t break out completion rates for individual community colleges. The state has 17 community colleges.