judy_eason_mcintyre.jpgOKLAHOMA CITY (AP) _ A state senator says the Oklahoma Democratic Party has used blacks as workhorses for the party, but officials haven't reciprocated in promoting blacks for leadership positions.


Sen. Judy Eason McIntyre spoke during a breakfast meeting with Oklahoma Democrats at the delegation's hotel on the final day of the national convention in North Carolina.

The Oklahoman (http://bit.ly/OXR6g8) reports that Eason-McIntyre was upset that black Oklahomans weren't asked to help with the roll call, a convention ritual in which party leaders boast about their state. Humorist Will Rogers and musician Woody Guthrie were mentioned during the speech, but no black figures were named.

Party Chairman Wallace Collins stood up after Eason-McIntyre finished speaking and apologized to her.

Vice Chairman Dana Orwig says no insult was intended in writing the roll call speech.