
It was a year ago this week that celebrations erupted around the world after President Barack Obama announced the killing of Al Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden. Bin Laden was the mastermind of the brutal Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on America. The so-called 9-11 attacks killed thousands of people. He had been the target of an international manhunt since those events took place. More than a decade later, and against the advice of a majority of his advisors, President Obama made the courageous decision to go forward with the top secret and dangerous military operation that killed Bin Laden.  Well done, Mr. President.

Hold on to your wallet — once again. Florida Power & Light is asking for yet another rate hike and fee increase. This time it’s a 12 cents per household increase. State regulators say it is part of a $690.4 million fee increase  already being considered by Chairman Ronald A. Brisé and the other Public Service Commission members.

Palm Beach County

This week marked the 50th anniversary of the successful integration of whites-only beaches in Delray Beach. In 1962 a group of more than 100 blacks went to the beach at State Road A1A and Atlantic Avenue for another of their “wade-in” protests. The events had taken place in the city since 1955, with blacks encountering hostile counter-protests, being beaten and arrested. But this time there were no arrests or counter-demonstrations from whites and police only looked on. It marked the beginning of the long struggle to integrate the city.

Attorney Willie Gary is representing numerous  with the Town of Palm Beach police officers in a massive gender, religious and racial discrimination case. Town officials are not talking but the allegations accuse senior police officials of routinely using racial slurs, anti-Semitic jokes, insults and worse. Some of the allegations are so disturbing that they can’t be printed here. They include allegations that some members of the command staff have regularly exposed themselves to other officers while asking them to perform sex acts. The complainants consist of all races, both males and females. Simply unbelievable, so stay tuned.

Derrick McCray, owner of the wildly popular McCray's BBQ in Mangonia Park is relocating to nearby West Palm Beach. For years, McCray has been fighting with town officials over a trailer from which he runs his business on 45th Street. The trailer does not meet town codes and was intended to be temporary while a new building was constructed. He has been getting fined $1,000 a day, which now tops $400,000, and the town voted to begin foreclosure proceedings on the property. McCray blames his problems on Councilwoman Addie Greene, who, he alleges, has a vendetta against him. Greene dismisses his allegations and says even though he has received town and county grants he has not brought his business into compliance.

Broward County

Construction has begun in Broward County on those annoying Express Lanes along Interstate 95 already in place in Miami-Dade County, so plan for delays. The project is scheduled to be completed in 2014 and until then the speed limit will be reduced from 65 to 55 mph. At least one lane of traffic will be closed, as well. Extra troopers will patrol the stretch during the construction, so expect tickets to be issued to speeders.

Attorney Johnny L. McCray Jr., is a Blanche Ely High School alumnus and booster who is active in the Pompano Beach school’s operations and activities. McCray has filed a complaint with Broward Schools Superintendent Robert Runcie alleging a female student was left unsupervised by an adult female, contrary to what is required, during a recent trip with the boys basketball team. In March, the team traveled to a tournament in Maryland and the female student was selected to go along. According to the complaint, she was left with the male coaches and players while her female chaperone spent a “night out on
the town.”

Federal regulators have warned Security Bank, whose CEO is Robert L. Brookes that the North Lauderdale-based bank must raise capital or face serious consequences. Security Bank has $95 million in assets but lost $1.9 million in the fourth quarter of 2011, which left it with only $2.2 million in capital. Regulators have taken over a record number of banks in the past several years.

Susan Stanton is the former Lake Worth city manager who was hired by the city of Fort Lauderdale as an accountant in its Housing and Community Development division. Stanton is reportedly working on ways to streamline operations, including privatizing some functions. Stanton’s salary may have been funded in part by grants from the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development. There were questions about whether she was actually performing accounting work, as HUD requires. At any rate, her work will be scrutinized more closely.

Mathes Guice and other officials with the Practitioners Technical Institute (PTI) are expressing frustration with the Broward County Children’s Services Council. The nonprofit social service organization is questioning the manner in which the council evaluates proposals submitted for funding. PTI was not approved for funding and was not given a reason. Guice says PTI is awaiting answers and may hold protests and take other actions if its concerns are not addressed. The council is a taxpayer-financed agency that distributes funding for children-related services, programs and initiatives. Stay tuned.

Miami-Dade County

The Rev. Jesse Jackson brought his lifelong and continuing fight against racism and social injustice to Miami this week. He preached at the 93rd Street Community Baptist Church, where he highlighted the importance of voting and being active in the struggle. Jackson’s visit is a sure sign that the 2012 campaign season is heating up well before the traditional Labor Day start.

The campaign of U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., will pay an $8,000 fine for accepting more than $210,000 in illegal contributions in his 2010 successful run for the Senate. The Federal Elections Commission called them “prohibited, excessive and other impermissible contributions.” Rubio is considered a leading vice-presidential prospect of Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney.