FORT LAUDERDALE — The Florida Department of Law Enforcement has closed a yearlong investigation into law enforcement credentials for the 2010 Super Bowl that were issued to Broward Sheriff Al Lamberti’s then 15-year-old son.

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The FDLE concluded there was “no evidence indicating a violation of criminal statutes.”

“During the investigation, none of the persons or agencies contacted were able to provide complete or detailed documentation regarding the credentialing process; nor could they state with certainty who was actually issued credentials,” the 14-page investigation summary said.

“Based on sworn statements, it was confirmed that credentials were prepared for both Sheriff Al Lamberti and his son, Nick Lamberti, for both the 2009 Bowl Championship Series and 2010 Super Bowl XLIV; however, this investigation found no indication that any of the involved parties intentionally disguised or concealed the fact that Nick Lamberti was not a sworn law enforcement officer.”

Jim Leljedal, BSO director of media relations, described the outcome as “great,” adding, “We’re all just returning from a long weekend and we have not issued any press release or anything.”

The investigation began following reports published in South Florida Times that law enforcement credentials had been issued to Nick Lamberti that allowed him to gain entry into the 2009 Pro Bowl and 2010 Super Bowl which took place a few weeks apart. Broward Sheriff’s deputies assisted several other law enforcement agencies in providing security for related events and at the games which were played at Sun Life Stadium in Miami Gardens.

The applications for the credentials, which were completed by Captain Robert Schnakenberg and Detective David Towsley, listed the sheriff’s son as being part of the BSO security contingent. According to the FDLE report, there was confusion about the various documents showing who requested credentials and who was actually issued them.

Schnakenberg told investigators that Nick Lamberti’s credentials allowed him the same level of access as the sheriff because “he was being escorted by a law enforcement officer.”

Sheriff Lamberti provided a sworn statement at the Broward State Attorney’s Office, where he told investigators there was no attempt to mislead anyone. He acknowledged taking his son into to the NFL command post inside the stadium on Super Bowl day and being on the sidelines but said they left prior to the game’s starting time.

A complaint filed with the Florida Commission on Ethics alleging that Lamberti failed to report the credentials for his son as a gift is still pending.

Read the report online at

Photo: Al Lamberti’s