doug_wilder.jpgRICHMOND, Va. (AP) _ Former Virginia Governor Doug Wilder says Democrat Barack Obama should focus on Wall Street's disasters and the worsening economy and less on his opponent's falsehoods.

Wilder made the comment, ironically, at a news conference called to decry bogus claims in Republican John McCain's ads.

News reports have debunked several of McCain's claims, and Obama has aired his own ads to claim McCain is running an extraordinarily deceitful campaign.

Yet the strategy has done nothing for Obama in recent polling. Wilder says Obama is missing a chance to make Republicans account for the worst calamity on Wall Street since the Great Depression.

Wilder, an Obama supporter and the nation's first elected black governor, says people ask him why Obama hasn't tackled the issue forcefully.

Pictured above is former Va. Gov. Doug Wilder.