
FORT LAUDERDALE — In recent days, Occupy movement demonstrators have been evicted from their sites in New York, California and elsewhere.

In South Florida, Occupy demonstrations continue at such venues as the Miami-Dade Government Center, the Fort Lauderdale City Hall and the First Unitarian Universalist Church of the Palm Beaches in North Palm Beach.

“The general public often says, ‘But what are they doing?’ ” said Occupy Fort Lauderdale participant John Wessel on Monday morning at the movement’s City Hall Plaza site at NE 1st Street and Andrews Avenue in downtown Fort Lauderdale.

“Just to give an idea, we have the general assembly and we have the working groups,” Wessel said. “I belong to a working group that created the mission statement which was ratified last night. Now, the same group that developed the mission statement, it’s our responsibility to create a platform on different directions we’re going to work on.

“The first direction we’re going to take is on state level issues. We’re going to propose a few ideas to the group, and basically, the other Occupy groups throughout Florida, we’re going to try to all solidify in a cause, a state cause. So this is something coming.”

Added Rudolph Serrano, another Occupy Fort Lauderdale participant: “The unions are backing us up. You’re going to start seeing drivers and the police and the fire officers coming with us too.” He noted the time transportation union representative Elliot Hains had spent at the Occupy site last weekend.

“It’s going to be a long haul, long road,” said Wessel. “And I’m glad I’m in it.

Occupy Fort Lauderdale Mission Statement
“We, the Fort Lauderdale General Assembly, inspired by Occupy Wall Street, invite everyone to join us in the exercise of our rights to peaceably assemble; to occupy public space; to create a process to address the problems we face, and together, generate solutions accessible to everyone, and inspire all to participate in a process of direct democracy.”



99 PERCENTERS: (L-R): Transportation union representative Elliot Hains with Occupy Fort Lauderdale’s Rudolph Serrano and Stephanie Auguiste at City Hall Plaza.