Broward State Attorney Harold F. Pryor PHOTO COURTESY OF FACEBOOK

Broward State Attorney Harold F. Pryor announced the launch of Stop Abuse, Fight Exploitation Initiative (S.A.F.E. Initiative), a new strategy in the multi-pronged work to fight human trafficking.

The S.A.F.E. Initiative aims to reduce human trafficking, prevent victims from being recruited, and shut down illicit massage businesses by closing illegal businesses and disrupting profit.

Pryor said, “The S.A.F.E. Initiative is an effective way to help landlords, local government, and businesses to recognize, report, or evict illicit businesses that are engaging in human trafficking. If we work together, we can shine a light on those who seek to harm vulnerable people and we can shut down this evil exploitation.” Illicit massage businesses are storefronts that appear to be legitimate but instead facilitate commercial sex, human and labor trafficking. They are often located in plazas and strip malls alongside legitimate businesses such as restaurants, daycares, and grocery stores. They can affect public safety and local economies.

This initiative focuses on mobilizing and partnering with landlords, local government, law enforcement, and communities to identify these types of businesses and make it difficult for them to continue to operate in Broward County. S.A.F.E. involves bringing together prosecutors, law enforcement, code enforcement, local government, regulatory agencies, homeowners, landlords, business owners and tenants to be on the lookout for signs of human trafficking in local businesses. Once suspected illicit massage businesses are identified, all of these groups will work in a coordinated fashion to eradicate the criminal activity.

Prosecutors have already begun reaching out to Broward municipalities and law enforcement, as well as business and community groups.