Is this writer a racially and ethnically insensitive bigot for saying he becomes very frustrated when he calls customer support for numerous American companies and gets "Tommy" in one foreign country, or "Karen" or "Allen" in another?

No, I’m just being honest and saying what many people think but dare not say in our "woke," politically correct, hypersensitive environment.

Am I shocked and pleasantly surprised when an American in the United States comes on the line?


Here’s a most relevant question: Why do so many American companies feel their customers don’t deserve to talk to an American (stateside) with no language barrier, to resolve their issues?

Is it a cost-saving measure to outsource customer service to Asia, the Far East, or elsewhere?

If so, admit it.

Outsourcing customer relations and informational technology (IT) support can provide more significant profit margins for many companies. Or … is it a de facto admission that they can’t find qualified Americans to do the same jobs?

Would hiring Americans for such positions hurt their bottom lines?

The people I have dealt with in (as examples) India, the Philippines and Mexico, have been excellent in expertise and have resolved many of the issues I telephoned about.

My point is: Can’t Americans, well within our shores, provide the same service levels, and do so better?

Do American corporate executives believe that India, the Philippines or Mexico provide a better and more qualified talent pool to respond to consumer questions and technical support than Americans in Florida, Utah, Kansas or South Carolina?

Is the underlying problem lack of qualified Americans to do those jobs?

Jason Riley, an African American, recently wrote in The Wall Street Journal: "China and India are not eroding standards in the name of equity and social justice. They are not abandoning enrichment programs for their brightest students. They are selecting people based on talent and promoting them based on performance."

He rightly concluded that what we are doing in moving away from meritbased systems will only make it more difficult for our children to compete with their children.

So how is the American educational system preparing children to compete against their peers in China, India and the Philippines?

Sadly, and unfortunately, it isn’t.

A few examples:

• In Florida, Glen Gilzean Jr., president and CEO of the Central Florida Urban League, pointed out in a recent article that on average, there is a 30-point difference in the reading levels between White and Black students.

• In Baltimore, Md., 23 schools have zero students proficient in math.

• In Chicago, Ill., a recent report revealed that dozens of area schools claim no students are proficient in either math or reading, despite the state and federal government funneling billions of dollars into education.

• In Philadelphia, Pa., students rank near the bottom for both math and reading.

As long as American students are unable to compete on the global stage of educational excellence, and as long as the progressive educational leaders of our country advocate rejecting achievement and merit in favor of equal results – "equity" – you can’t blame American companies for seeking and outsourcing contractors/employees who can do the job.

Do you think Chinese companies outsource their IT and customer relations support to "John" or "Karen" Tampa?

The answer to that question is one big "No!"

Do you think for a moment that "equity" proponents and progressive elites would prefer flying on a commercial airliner whose Black, Hispanic or female pilot was in the cockpit based on "equity" rather than merit, talent, and performance? Most doubtful.

Until American companies make a real effort to train and employ Americans for the positions now outsourced, and, until our educational system provides them with a qualified talent pool, get used to talking to robot-sounding employees with English-sounding aliases.

Clarence V. McKee is president of McKee Communications, Inc., a government, political, and media relations and training consulting firm in Florida.