Miami, Fla. – The MiamiDade Economic Advocacy Trust (MDEAT), a county agency charged with ensuring that Black residents participate in the county’s economic growth, welcomed ten new trustees during the agency’s November Board meeting.

MDEAT’s newest board members are Basil A. Binns II, Patricia Jennings Braynon, Kametra Driver, Danny Felton, Sr., Andrea Forde, Raymond Fundora, Kimberly T. Henderson, Steven Henriquez, Christopher Norwood, and Rashad D. Thomas.

They join current trustees Erbi Blanco-True, Hannibal Burton, and Julio Piti, on the panel appointed by county commissioners. Each appointment is for a three-year term.

Board membership is based on availability of positions and expertise in one of the agency’s core service areas of economic development, housing, youth services, and research and policy.

The board meets monthly and has three action committees: Economic Development, Housing Advocacy, and Youth Action. Meetings are open to the public and posted online.

“We have gained tremendous momentum over (the) past year,” said Burton, board vice chairman. “I am extremely excited to accelerate that momentum and dig into areas we have only been able to talk about at this point. We are expanding the agency and transmitting a higher quality of service for our community.”

“Since assuming the position as executive director, I’ve been committed to finding the best talent and resources to help stimulate the economic revitalization our community deserves,” said William “Bill” Diggs. “I look forward to working with our new trustees and leveraging their resources and expertise to elevate Black participation in Miami-Dade County’s economic growth.”

“We have similar goals around expanding equity of outcome around Black home-