kwame_kilpatrick_web_fc.jpgDETROIT (AP) _ The release of “Surrendered! The Rise, Fall and Revelation of Kwame Kilpatrick'' has been delayed.

The book had been set for release Monday, the day before Detroit's ex-mayor is to be out on parole from prison.

Kilpatrick's book details his political career, the text-messaging sex scandal with a former aide that eventually forced him from office and into jail, discussions with his wife about the affair, and dealings with political friends and foes.

The book sells for $26.95 a copy on

A judge has ordered that any proceeds made by Kilpatrick or his family be used first to pay restitution he owes the city.

Kilpatrick quit office in 2008 when he pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice. He was sent to prison in May 2010 for violating probation.