frederica wilson_michel martelly_web.jpgPORT-au-PRINCE — Rep. Frederica Wilson, D-Fla., whose congressional district includes the largest concentrations of Haitian Americans, paid a one-day visit to Haiti on Saturday and returned to pledge her help in getting the earthquake-ravaged nation rebuilt.

Wilson, who is a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, met with President-elect Michel Martelly and key members of Parliament, including Senate President Kelly Bastien.

“My trip to Haiti was an opportunity to survey first-hand the conditions on the ground, including taking a helicopter tour of the landscape, and meet with the country’s leadership to chart a path forward,” Wilson said in a statement.

“As the representative of the largest concentration of Haitian Americans in Congress, I am eager to bring back what I’ve learned to develop more effective and sustainable policies towards our neighbor and deepen the ties between our two nations,” she said.

The statement said during her meeting with Martelly, Wilson also discussed ways to strengthen ties between Haiti and the Haitian Diaspora, including extending the deadline for Temporary Protected Status that allows undocumented Haitians in the U.S. to stay in the country.