A WRITING BARBER:Derrick D. Reed is a barber, entrepreneur, playwright, motivational speaker and now author of “Mind Set, Go,” a book spotlighting the power of a person’s mind.



Wilmington, DE – As the owner of His Image Barber Lounge in Wilmington, Delaware, Derrick D. Reed has created a thriving, award-winning business with a positive atmosphere. Reed has been a professional barber, barber instructor and business owner for over 10 years. The presiding president of Delaware’s Board of Cosmetology and Barbering at the Department of Professional Regulations in Dover Delaware can now add author to his roles, which also include playwright.

The title of the book, “Mind Set, Go,” Reed explained, is a play on the phrase most people say when they begin a race, “ready, set, go.”

“I took off the ready and put mind because everything starts in the mind first,” he said. His motivation for writing the book was personal. “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results. I got tired of road blocks in my life,” Reed said, 44, deciding to “get down to the nitty gritty,” to make progress.

The idea that everything starts in the mind has “been coming at me, even when I was younger,” he shared in a telephone interview. Getting older brought with it wisdom, and “the pull got even stronger.”

The married father of four said he began the book in 2016 and it took two years to write because he allowed it to unfold organically.

“I had a couple of mental blocks, took some time to step away from the book, and decided to be patient and let the book come to me,”he said.

In addition to being a barber and business owner, Reed is also a business coach and motivational speaker. Reed said he empowers people to ignore pessimists who suggest “it can’t be done” and, in his book reveals a positive, practical and strategic approach people need to follow in realizing their biggest dreams.

Boasting a track record of success in his business coaching, Reed relies on his coaching techniques to help people realize that while they cannot change the events that have occurred in the past; they have the power in them to rewrite the wrongs and create a wonderful future.

“It is a must read because it will motivate and inspire you into being proactive, and to obtain self-motivation and understanding which portray who you are, what you think, and what you want to achieve,” said Reed, whose philosophy is, “When we know better, we grow better.”

The book walks readers through simple principles on how to live a renewed life focusing on honesty, transparency, forgiveness, and self-care. Highly motivational, he said the book takes readers on a spiritual journey deep within their mind, body, heart, and soul.
In the book, Reed reveals how to challenge old paradigms and perspectives to secure the better life waiting on the other side. He said, “it is all about willpower, pure passion and purpose fulfillment; and ultimately understanding we are not our minds, but our minds are tools to be used.”

To order, visit https://mindsetgo.com.