Woman and girl power movements have lit up the world stage, and even Jay Z has joined in the dialogue.

Jay Z made his debut as a serious thinker/philosopher on the Van Jones show last week. He offered up his commentary about #Metoo (he called it a necessary movement that was bound to happen), and his commentary about #45 has the country talking-and tweeting.

He called Donald Trump a “superbug”one which has evolved- immune to any and all the former treatments devised to combat vermin. His analogy of using ineffective insecticides to eliminate an undesirable bug was likened to that of spraying a stinking garbage can with sweet-smelling perfume (covering up the issue- resulting in generational layers of the legacy of racism), instead of taking out the garbage (actually addressing and resolving the problem).

Just as enlightening, he opened up about his and Beyonce’s joint effort, as a couple, to ‘break the cycle’ of the demise of the black family. Bravo!

Something to think about- especially since we are on the receiving end of racism, and too many of our families remain broken. Yet, we continue to fight these battles with some of the same tactics: marches, chants, slogans on teeshirts, prayers and declarations of “not again,” taking oaths of love ‘forever,’ entering couples’ counseling, appearing on televised black love documentaries, etc.

But where is the total resolve? When is our never again? Never again to suffer as victims of institutional racism. Never allowing the forces of the dominant culture to continue tearing our families apart.

I wonder what our absolute resolve could look like. What can we do that will not hurt ourselves in the short or long term? More targeted economic boycotts? Throwing another revolution in the voting booths (2018 and 2020 elections are near)? Showing up and showing out in public arenas (taking a knee, mentoring and underwriting youth scholarships, financing political candidates, canvassing your neighborhoods for votes, publishing your truth, etc.)?

And what about making recommitment vows every five-ten years? How about doing that daily?

Our fight is huge; resonating in other parallel movements across the world. Thankfully, the growing push for female empowerment has attracted a fair amount of men who realize that 50 percent of the population is worthy of respect, and have the right to enjoy the fullness of all the promises of being born.

Yet, there are still whole swaths of females being born across certain parts of the world who will become victims of infanticide, genital mutilations, child marriages, various forms of slavery, and too many other types of inhumane treatment- including trafficking (for labor and/or sex).

When does it end? Where do we begin to correct the idea that females are lesser than; not worthy of; disposable? In the USA, many gains have been legislated toward equal treatment of women; some are significant, however, Sweden, we are not.

Importantly, women must continue to fight for equal/par wages; the right to work unmolested is paramount.

That message has infused daily conversations. Even the recent Grammys used a white rose for a symbol of the struggle, and other icons have creeped into our sites and psyches (pink pussy hats, #metoo and #times up slogans, etc.)

While women continue to fight for our voices to be heard around the Board room tables, more women are creating their own companies to avoid the glass ceiling, altogether.

Interestingly, another one of the debates issuing from these movements has sparked a shift in relationship politics, i.e., how to date in the future is one of the questions proposed for consideration. If I had a daughter…..starts the conversation.

I interviewed a few of my successful women friends who are also mothers and grandmothers. One of them offered this answer:

“Surely woman have been given all that men have-brains, ability to make decisions, etc. But because, usually, type A men don’t select type A women (they’re already prepared to be all they can be and look for companionship), therefore, I’d tell my daughter to first, be all she can be; and in forming a partnership, remember sex and romance are still very important.”

What would you tell your daughter/granddaughter about her autonomy and being in a love relationship?

I’d be interested in hearing you answer. But then again, can all-the people- ever be equal under the law? In the bedroom? At work? Anywhere? Everywhere?

Will it happen in your lifetime; under your watch?

Antonia Williams-Gary may be contacted at