
With 2017 about halfway over, it’s an ideal time to evaluate your goals and objectives, and take action if necessary to get back on track.

July 1 is “Second Half of the Year Day,” and a good opportunity to do some hard thinking about the aspects of your life that you might want to improve or change. To make the second half of the year count, consider tackling one or more of the following projects.

Meet Financial Benchmarks

Everyone could use more money. While you may not currently have the option of making more, you do have a choice of how you spend and save what you are earning.

Renew your financial goals by clarifying exactly what they are and drawing a road map towards achieving success. You may find more luck if you set one smaller financial goal alongside your larger objectives. So, while you’re paying down debt or saving for retirement, also work on your vacation fund.

Make More Music

Did you resolve to learn a new skill, such as playing a musical instrument? Many people vow to learn how to play a piano in the new year. Whether you’re brand-new to the instrument or you’ve been playing for years, keep up with your practice by setting a challenging musical goal to fulfill by the end of the year.

Beginners can set out to perfect a particular piece. Those with a bit more experience can set a goal of performing publicly or of composing and recording a song. Don’t forget to stay properly motivated with the right gear. The weight and resistance of a grand piano can now be had with a versatile digital piano, such as the Compact Grand Piano CGP-700 from Casio – that features an 88-note scaled hammer action keyboard, and a 5.3” color touchscreen that makes it easy to navigate in the selection of tones, rhythms and split and layer sounds.

Go Farther, Faster

Many resolve to take up exercise at the beginning of the year, only to let their gym memberships go to waste a short time later. Recommit to your exercise goals by signing up for a specific challenge that will encourage you to train.

A simple 5k is a great choice for beginners. For those who want something a bit more advanced that requires more versatile training, consider a triathlon or obstacle race. Be sure to pick a date for the event far enough in advance to give you plenty of time to train. And remember, race day isn’t the end of your journey, but just the beginning. After a sufficient recovery period, you will want to be sure to start working towards your next goal.

Don’t let the passage of time leave you complacent about your goals. Keep them within reach by revisiting them all the time.