WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. – Suzy Estime, 45, is not your typical restaurateur. When she opened “Suzy’s Hot and Fresh Restaurant” in West Palm Beach in 2015, she knew beforehand that she would use the facility for more than just serving delicious meals. You see, Suzy, as she is affectionately known, has a heart for the hurting, the underdog and those in need of a hand up.

And that’s why, on Sunday, December 11 from 2-4 p.m., she is opening up the doors of Suzy’s Restaurant to abuse victims, domestic violence survivors and single parents all with the goal of providing them a safe haven to meet and discuss issues pertinent to helping them navigate life as a survivor. The two-hour event will be hosted by esteemed professional life coach and radio personality, “Coach Judy” Romanoff –not to be confused with TV personality, “Judge Judy.”

Romanoff, who is the founder of the National Single Parent Resource Center, a non-profit organization, is known as the “Dr. Phil”of Family Court. A domestic abuse survivor, she took her own experiences into the courts in a custody battle in 1992 and won. She has since used her own experience to empower and help others to navigate the court system and life after abuse. She hosted her own talk show for nearly a decade and has been interviewed internationally, nationally and locally on numerous TV and radio shows, sharing her experience with vast audiences.

Now, she is ready to bring her expertise to West Palm Beach to help others work through the maze of the court system and to find solace and peace in the midst of their storms. Single parents and domestic and abuse survivors are encouraged to come out to the restaurant on December 11 to take advantage of her immense knowledge.

A The doors are open to everyone free of charge. Those who are able to offer a donation of $5 or $10 to help the non-profit’s cause may do so if they wish or can afford it. Otherwise, it is free.

“Coach Judy” and Suzy Estime both say they make a perfect pair.

“I’m about empowerment and achieving success,” Romanoff says of those she helps. “Nobody can really take you down except yourself. Positive energy, no matter how hard life is, will propel you to success,” she stresses.

Romanoff knows first hand. Although she is from a well-to-do family, she found herself on the other side of the fence, with her family as her adversaries, she recently shared during a sit-down interview. She knows what it is like to struggle, and be in need of help. However, she was determined to make it, and vowed that when she came out of a desperate situation, she would help empower others. She has since devoted her life to doing so.

Estime, also a domestic violence survivor, says she too knows what it’s like to be in need. “I was in a domestic violence situation for seven years and I had no one to turn to. Not even the police would help me because they said I was a married woman. I literally had no place and no one to turn to for help. I am here today only by the grace of God,” said Estime., who went on to own a Wendy’s Franchise for 20 years before opening her own restaurant. “I feel Coach Judy’s work is so important. She has a vision like me. She is coming here to the restaurant to help others. My heart goes out to women who are in domestic violence relationships. So if we could help just one person, then I’m pleased,” she said.

Men who are in need of help and guidance are welcome as well to this inaugural event, which they plan to host once a month.

Nod Jeannite, Suzy’s brother and general manager of the restaurant, said he is delighted to open their doors for such a cause.

“The thing that got me was the domestic violence issue and helping kids in such families. We want to do everything we can to stop abuse not only domestic abuse, but any kind of abuse. We’re here to help the community. Anything we can do to help, we’ll do it,” he said.

Topics to be discussed at the meeting will include: The various issues you’ll face with custody and visitation; how to keep costs down; the right questions to ask when hiring an attorney: how to work in the best interest of your children; and How to enjoy life and achieve success! There will be be raffles, surprises, and enjoyment for all, in addition to the serious business being discussed. If businesses want to donate raffle items, get more information or to RSVP, contact “Coach Judy” Romanoff, at 561-441-8557.