Staff Report

MIAMI – There are 2.2 million adults in Florida who started college but, for different reasons, were not able to complete the requirements to earn a degree. Now they can. Miami Dade College (MDC) has become a partner college in Complete Florida, a state, legislatively-funded initiative designed to recruit, recover and re-train those adults with some college and no degree.

In 2018, nearly 60 percent of the jobs in Florida will require post secondary training beyond a high school diploma, according to a Georgetown University study. To combat this growing concern, the State University System of Florida, the Florida College System and the Florida Legislature are partnering to increase the number of residents in Florida with a post secondary education.

Complete Florida supports adults who have partial collegiate education and assists them in completing a degree that is aligned to high-wage, high-skill workforce needs. MDC offers innovative online degree courses and program offerings that will be used in the Complete Florida program. Led by the University of West Florida’s Innovation Institute and funded by the Florida Legislature, Complete Florida currently markets more than 50 online, flexible, accelerated degree programs and certificates through 11 state and private institutions in Florida.

A report indicates that Complete Florida will offer personal coaches to integrate students’ existing college credit and prior learning experiences into their program of study. The program’s learning coaches will help personalize students’ journey to obtaining their degree by aligning their skills and interests to programs and jobs.

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