Associated Press

ATLANTA –The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences president will be honored at the seventh annual BronzeLens Film Festival.

Cheryl Boone Isaacs will be recognized Friday at the festival’s Women SuperStars Awards Luncheon in Atlanta. The four-day festival, which kicks off Thursday, that showcases culturally diverse films and provides networking opportunities for filmmakers.

Boone Isaacs is known for leading efforts to increase diversity within the film academy’s membership.

Actress Margaret Avery, filmmaker Julie Dash, producer Nina Yang Bongiovi and script supervisor Dawn Gilliam will also be honored. Reporter Lisa Rayam will host the luncheon.

BronzeLens includes educational work- shops detailing the film industry’s creative, legal and business facets. The non-profit organization also promotes Atlanta as a film mecca for people of color and uplift the next generation of filmmakers.