Here she comes again. Strutting into the clinic on those long dark cocoa colored legs like a super model. As she passes by, she gives me that “good morning” look with her golden brown eyes. She is a beauty and she knows it. She proceeds to her station and starts her day. I was a bit apprehensive about hiring her, but it turned out to be a good decision. She did come with excellent references.

I first met her briefly at my previous office location. She came in for a routine appointment being very kind and easy to work with. When I hired my practice manager, he recommended I extend to her a position dealing with costumer relations. I was a bit apprehensive of the suggestion but decided to proceed. If things don’t work out, we can terminate the position. It has actually worked out better than either I or my practice manager imagined.

When a client enters, she leaves her station, greets them and their pet, and provides escort to the reception desk. She has a sixth sense and seems to know which clients need the extra support; escorting them to the exam room. She stays with the ones who need her and quietly leaves the others to my care. A time or two she has been given the sign to leave the exam room and return to her station, but that is the exception rather than the rule. At the end of their appointments, she escorts our clients and patients as they depart, extending a heart felt goodbye that doubles as an invitation to return as needed.

One of her greatest skills is providing a supportive presence as I do paper work or mull over clinic decisions. She is fun to have lunch with and is not picky about the selection. She has shown a preference for burgers and fries from the golden arches next door and Cajun style chicken. Not so crazy about salads. She takes direction well and rarely misses an opportunity to do her job to the best of her ability. She arrives to work promptly and doesn’t complain the times she has to stay late. But alas, no employee is perfect.

She does seem to have a weak spot for design and decorating, but that is greatly due to her being completely inept with tools in addition to the fact she is color blind. She is not a great dresser, wearing the same outfit/accessories every day and has been known to take naps at her station. She can be a bit demanding of our attention at times. These actions do make her a bit of a diva, which is fitting since her name is Diva. If you haven’t figured out by now, Diva is our clinic dog belonging to my practice manager.

Diva is an attention grabbing but genteel and loving 11 year old chocolate Labrador Retriever . I and the clients enjoy her being part of the team. She is missed and asked about when she is not at the clinic. It is great to have a dog back in my life, even if it is just for the duration of the work day. She helps the day pass with peace and joy. I love her and love her being at our clinic.

So, now that I’ve found love what am I going to do with it? I am going to cherish it.