RIVIERA BEACH, Fla. – Students gearing up to attend college in the fall are also likely to be immersed in the financial aid process. If they have not already completed the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), financial aid experts say they should do so immediately.

Additionally, students are urged to actively search for scholarship money at the state and local levels. One source of local funding is available for Riviera Beach high school students. The 2016 – 2017 Riviera Beach Education Scholarships were made available through a $19,000.00 budget appropriation by the City Council. Currently. Only 19 qualified applicants are guaranteed to receive $1,000 each. The city will award additional scholarships continent upon its receipt of additional funding from city business partners, and private donations.

The Scholarship Program is administered by the Riviera Beach Education Advisory Committee under direction of the mayor, city council and city manager.