frank_russo_web_fc.jpgCLEVELAND (AP)  – Officials in Ohio's largest county say there are no immediate plans to remove gas pump stickers showing the smiling face of the former county auditor charged in a corruption case.

The stickers picturing Frank Russo let motorists know that pumps in Cuyahoga (ky-uh-HOH'-guh) County were inspected by the auditor's weights and measures department.

Russo resigned Thursday, the day he was charged with taking more than $1 million in bribes in exchange for steering county contracts and hiring political pals. His attorney has declined comment.

Russo's name and photos have been removed from a county website, but the auditor's office in Cleveland says pulling off all the stickers would be too expensive.

A spokesman says an interim auditor may have an idea for dealing with them.

Pictured:  Frank Russo