clash_of_the_titans_web.jpgWhy are filmmakers revisiting tried and true stories?  Yes, I know it is a pastime in Hollywood to take something that was a huge success and remake it from the remake, on the auspices of new technology. 

Most works are successful, however, not just because of great filmmaking, acting, directing, costumes, cinematography, etc. The time period and the social climate also add to a film or TV series’ success.  Trying to recapture those gems minus the social climate and thought process is just plain ludicrous.

Take the new Clash of the Titans, for instance.  It’s a remake of the 1981 version that was a monster hit back in its day.  I haven’t seen the 1981 version, but I did read up on the plot, which sounds pretty good. 

In the 2010 Clash of the Titans, Perseus (played by Sam Worthington) is a demigod who doesn’t know it until his real father, Zeus (Liam Neeson), claims him.  There wasn’t such a thing as DNA at that time, so it was more of a kindred feeling than any concrete proof. 

The beloved humans of Zeus, mainly in Argos, have rebelled against their creator, and have declared war on him.  Seeing his

opportunity for revenge, Hades (Ralph Fiennes) talks Zeus into letting him unleash the Kraken on the city of Argos to force the people to love and pray to Zeus again.  By the way, the Kraken is this awesome beast that has a huge head with large, sharp teeth and a few tails. 

The general rule about screenwriting is that if there are more than two writers on a script, then the film is more likely to be bad.  Clash 2K10 has three: Travis Beacham, Phil Hay, and Matt Manfredi.  All three of these men could not seem to find a way to make this plot as good as or better than the 1981 version.

The plot is cheesy, and it lacks the adventure that it should have had. There are gigantic holes in the plot, like Poseidon’s invisibleness throughout the film. 

The title is Clash of the Titans; however, the plot is more like Clash of the Demigod and a Ginormous Beast for All of Five Minutes. The film builds to this great battle with the Kraken, and the battle is over so quickly, the audience almost misses the Kraken’s defeat. 

Director Louis Leterrier must have focused more on special effects, hoping that the effects and 3D would mask the awful storyline and tepid characters.  The film seems to gravitate toward one plot point, and then abandon it for a new one. 

Perseus is supposed to die after defeating the Kraken, but someone else dies instead.  It appears that Perseus is supposed to end up with Princess Andromeda (Alexa Davalos) and ride off into the sunset.  But, she rides off into the sunset alone.

Even the actors don’t seem interested in this film.  Neeson looks totally bored with his lines.  At first, I figured his grief over the loss of his wife, Natasha Richardson, was weighing him down in his character because he had just lost her months prior to filming.  But after watching the entire film, I see that he was just bored. 

Worthington tries to bring his charm and knight- in-shining-armor self to this film, but can’t quite cut the cheesy mustard.  He also looks bored with his

Io (Gemma Arterton) is semi-interesting.  She knows a lot and brings a fine feminine touch to the film. 

Likewise, Draco (Mads Mikkelsen) is tough and mysterious and lovable as a semi-interesting character. 

Unfortunately, the most interesting character in this film does not do a whole lot of talking, and what he does say isn’t even coherent: Sheikh Sulieman (Ian Whyte).  He knows a lot and doesn’t take anything off of anyone.

Clash of the Titans
is a total disappointment, and a reiteration of what happens when a remake, complete with new special effects, goes wrong. 

Someone should tell filmmakers that just because the film is in 3D, doesn’t make it better.­­