LIBERTY CITY — Students of Africa University, in Old Mutare, Zimbabwe will share a musical tribute during a Florida state tour and will perform a special concert and a Father’s Day Observance at the Ebenezer United Methodist Church in Miami.

The Africa University Choir will also vist Gainesville, Tallahassee, Tampa, St. Petersburg, Bradenton and Orlando. The choir, made up of students from eight African countries, will sing in more than 12 languages. The school opened in 1992 with 40 students and today hosts 1,300 students from 23 countries.

A large and intentional focus of the university is to transform Africa by transforming and empowering lives … one student at a time. Such is the story of graduate, Omakinda Odimba, who was hired in January 2013 to serve as church and society

organizer in the Congo. “Transforming communities into ‘safer havens, where peace, justice and self-realization is made possible with good health” is important to Odimba.

Dodina Kamana, a second year student, currently touring with the choir, is studying management. She said her goal is to “become a good manager in order to save my country. …”

The performance will begin at 9 a.m., Sunday, June 15, at Ebenezer, located at 2001 NW 35th St., Miami.