marcus_marshall.jpgcharles_garnati_2.jpgMARION, Ill. (AP) – The Illinois state disciplinary agency for lawyers has filed a complaint against a southern Illinois prosecutor over comments he made during a murder trial for a man whose conviction ultimately was overturned.

The (Carbondale) Southern Illinoisan ( reports the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission seeks a hearing over Williamson County State's Attorney Charles Garnati's use of racially charged language to an all-white jury.

That came during Marcus Marshall's 2011 trial for a Marion shooting death.

Marshall was later convicted and sentenced to 85 years in prison, but a state appellate court has ordered him retried.

In prosecuting the black defendant, Garnati in addressing jurors included a reference to "our white world'' even though race had nothing to do with the case.

A comment-seeking message was left Friday with Garnati.

*Pictured above is Marcus Marshall, left, and Charles Garnati, right.