At some point in life, we all will be challenged, threatened or confronted by problems, sicknesses, and evils that push us to be consumed with worry, fear and anxiety. We want to give up and quit. The enemy knows if he can cause us to doubt that this is the season of God’s favor in our lives, he can get us to take our eyes off God and magnify our problems. He will work overtime, if necessary, to bring distractions that disrupt our belief, trust and confidence in God.
Don’t give in to the enemy’s tricks. No matter what circumstances or situations you face, hold to the truth that God is still God. Not only does He control the universe but He also controls your life. And, despite what the enemy says, God is going to get the glory as He works out His purpose in you.
Your responsibility is to seek His will and leave the rest up to Him. He has given you His power and His Word to overcome whatever you are confronted with. You are more than a conqueror; you are an overcomer. That’s what the Word of God says.
In John 16:33, Jesus says, These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” Jesus said that tribulations and trials are a part of life’s process. No matter how much you read the Bible, pray or keep your body and soul pure and holy, being righteous doesn’t exempt you from going through tribulation.
But be assured that God never intended for you to live an unfulfilled, non-progressive life as a Christian. Whether in your career, relationships or daily responsibilities, every moment of the day God is expecting you to keep moving forward and upward.
The enemy will throw obstacles in your way to get you to go backward but the Word of God tells us we must press toward the prize (Philippians 3:13–14). The prize is always in front of us; it’s never behind us.
God is everywhere — within us, before us, beside us, and behind us — helping us, by the power of His Holy Spirit, to move forward. Because God lives within us, His presence empowers, strengthens and anoints us. When He’s in front of us, He’s leading and guiding the way. He’s beside us, so He’s our Companion, Provider and Protector. Whenever we don’t feel like we can make it, we can lean on Him and He’ll help us continue and finish our journey.
And He’s also behind us, watching our back. Whenever we’re moving forward and making progress in life, the enemy tries to pull us back. The Holy Spirit is always there, blocking the enemy so the obstacles in life will never prevent us from moving forward.
God did not create you to be a failure. You’re created to succeed in life. Never allow the enemy to bully you and make you doubt God’s love for you or His ability to help you succeed.
The Bible never promised that believers won’t have trials. In fact, it says we’ll have many afflictions. However, you’ve been promised that, whatever the affliction, the Lord will deliver you out of them all. So you can boldly say, “Bring it on, Satan! I know I’m going to have afflictions but it’s OK. Whatever trial I face, God will face it with me. And it won’t be long before He delivers me. That’s His promise to me.”
When difficult seasons come, here are two things to remember: First, it’s Satan’s job to try to cause you to lose faith and confidence in God. Second, not only is God in the midst of every problem you can or will ever have but also He has already overcome them for you.
No matter what challenges or obstacles come your way, don’t lose sight of the truth that God is still God, that He’s in control of the universe and He’s in control of your life. You are more than a conqueror; you are an over-comer. That’s God’s promise.
Bishop Henry Fernandez is senior pastor of the Faith Center Ministries in Sunrise.
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