germaine-smith-baugh_web.jpgFORT LAUDERDALE – Burger King Corp., a longtime donor to the Urban League of Broward County, recently became a signature partner of the Urban League’s Center of Excellence/National Achievers Program. Funds donated by Burger King will assist the center in providing a support network for minority students that reinforces high academic performance and achievement.

“Burger King Corporation is pleased to support the communities we serve through academic initiatives like the Urban League’s Center of Excellence National Achievers Program. It is because of programs like these that minority students have easier access to more mentors, opportunities and resources to help them thrive in their endeavors,” said Jerrell Moore, vice president and chief diversity officer, of Burger King Corp.

The Center of Excellence/National Achievers Program is a long-standing initiative designed to enhance the number of students that are prepared, qualifiaed and motivated to enter institutions of higher education.

It targets students, particularly minority students in Broward County, who are performing well academically and are engaged in community service. Monthly board meetings are held for both parents and students and program activities include college preparation workshops, conferences, regional and state academic competitions and cultural events.

The partnership donation from Burger King will help in the Urban League’s efforts to continue to serve an average of 100 youth per year and work with various support systems to serve about 250 to 300 youth members annually, most of whom are first-generation college students.  

“The Center of Excellence provides a support system for not only students but their parents as well, echoing the message that achievement matters in minority communities for all.

We are grateful to supporters like Burger King Corporation who enable us to further our services and programs necessary for our children and families living in Broward County,” said Dr. Germaine Smith-Baugh, president and CEO of the Urban League of Broward County.

For other information on the Urban League of Broward County, call 954-584-0777 or visit