hangin-with-5-0-cc-fc.jpgMIRAMAR — More than 75 at risk-youth who had the opportunity to attend summer camp in Miramar, gathered for the end of summer party during a fun-filled day of activities, music, food and a show from the nonprofit Wild Animal World.

Hangin’ with 5-0 is a six-week summer program held annually in Miramar for students ages 11 to 15. Every summer, campers are identified by their school’s resource officer and guidance counselor to participate, enjoying field trips, sports and other activities throughout the camp session.

Field trips included excursions to the movies, bowling alley, Hollywood Beach, Galaxy Skateway roller skating rink, Zoo Miami, Billie Swamp Safari and Kabooms Amusement Center. Each day, breakfast and lunch also were served.

Five years ago the Hangin’ with 5-0 program was scheduled to be eliminated due to budget cuts when Sunbeam Properties stepped in to help save the program in conjunction with the Miramar Park of Commerce.

The park partnership also supports other community activities such as Habitat for Humanity and been a site for supply drives for America’s Moms for Soldiers and a food drive for the United Way of Broward County..

“We thank Sunbeam Properties and the Miramar Park of Commerce for all they do to support Hangin’ with 5-0 each year,” said Scott Hadley, the Miramar police officer and Police Athletic League executive director who oversees Hangin’ with 5-0.

“This program gives at-risk youth the opportunity to enjoy a fun-filled summer that enables them to learn, grow and live up to their full potential.”