riccardo-deveaux-cc-fc.jpgNASSAU, BAHAMAS — The president & CEO of The Bahamas Primary School Student of the Year Foundation, Ricardo P. Deveaux, recently was the recipient of the 2013 Black Man Can Education K-12 Award.

The Annual Black Man Can Awards, held in the United States, recognize and honor positive black men and boys who contribute to their communities and professional arenas.
The Hon. Jerome Fitzgerald, Bahamas Minister of Education, Science and Technology, applauded Deveaux’s accomplishment on being the first international recipient of the award. The Education K-12 Award recognizes a male working with K-12 students, and using innovation to empower students to reach their fullest potential.
Deveaux was saluted for his work with the annual Bahamas Primary School Student of the Year Awards Program, which he was instrumental in establishing in 1997.
The minister thanked Deveaux for his vision in establishing the program and the energy and passion that he has contributed to it since its inception. He also noted that the awards program has inspired
hundreds of Bahamas primary school students to strive for academic excellence.
Over the past 17 years Bahamas Primary School Student of the Year Awards Program has impacted more than 1,500 of the brightest primary school students and awarded more than $800,000 in scholarships and prizes. 
As part of the 2013 program, 123 nominees were honoured, 52 students received scholarships in the amount of $76,000; 68 students received transportation to travel to the Capitol; six students received computers and 123 students received trophies and medals.

*BAHAMAS INDEPENDENCE MONTH HIGHLIGHT: Minister of Education, Science and Technology the Hon. Jerome Fitzgerald, left, congratulates Ricardo P. Deveaux on capturing the 2013 Black Man Can Education K-12 Award.