PORT-OF-SPAIN, Trinidad – Leaders of Caribbean Community (CARICOM) nations ended a four-day summit here Saturday pledging to work together to fight crime, reduce the cost of transportation and communication in the region and foster economic development. Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar, the conference chairwoman, said the region also needs to develop ways to fight corruption, including weapon smuggling and money laundering.

Gay rights law
HAMILTON – The Senate gave final legislative approval to the Human Rights Amendment Act, already passed last month by the House, outlawing discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. The measure will amend a 30-year-old human rights act once it is signed by Bermuda’s governor. It also bans age discrimination in all sectors except at work. Premier Craig Cannonier said the measure was “not about endorsing any kind of lifestyle” but was about preventing injustice.
The wealthy British Atlantic territory of nearly 70,000 inhabitants does not permit same-sex marriage.

Guevara estate
HAVANA – A dispute is brewing over the
estate of the late prominent intellectual Alfredo Guevara after authorities carried out a surprise search of his home. Officials said they were conducting an inventory of art, books, furniture and documents belonging to Guevara. They said they intervened after neighbors reported people coming and going from the house at night and that three valuable paintings were missing.
But Guevara’s heirs in Mexico are calling it an unjustified and intrusive raid. They accused the authorities of breaking down doors, hauling away items in trucks and refusing to explain their actions. Guevara was a major figure in Cuba’s cultural world until his death April 19 of a heart attack.

Scam suspects
KINGSTON – Five Jamaican men were arrested on suspicion of being involved in a lucrative lottery scam. Police said the men, in their 20s, were charged with conducting fraudulent transactions. Investigators allegedly found the men in possession of paraphernalia used for scamming when they searched a Kingston area home. For years, swindlers here have conned mostly elderly Americans out of their retirement savings by telling them over the phone that they’ve won millions in an international lottery but first need to wire a payment to cover taxes. The prize money never arrives and payments lead only to more requests or threats for money.