debonair.pngWEST PALM BEACH — The brothers of Delta Delta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. presented 35 “Men of Tomorrow” to the community during an elegant “Mr. Debonair Ball,” held at the Palm Beach County Convention Center in West Palm Beach on Saturday, May 25. The theme of the annual event was Not Going to See This Again, Men of Tomorrow Poignant Pause to Look Back 25 Years.

The chapter began the program in 1988, focusing attention on young African-American men and their importance to society. The fraternity solicits the assistance of high school counselors, teachers, community leaders and the brotherhood to find young men who meet the qualifications set by the brotherhood.

With this group, the brothers embarked upon a mission to affect the entire community – a mission of service, scholarship among youth and a desire to improve the surroundings.  

Each young man accepted into the organization must meet the qualifications established by the brotherhood: be a student in grade 9-12; have a 2.0 or higher grade point average; be recommended by a counselor, teacher, minister or chapter brother; be of good character; and have parental support of the organization. 

During the course of the year, Men of Tomorrow (MOT) members must participate in monthly church visitations, educational tutorial programs, the Project Alpha Youth Symposium, college prep workshops, community projects and joint activities designed to develop the whole person.

The youths are “presented” to the community during the annual Mr. Debonair Ball, complete with the regal fanfare worthy of the Men of Tomorrow. 

This year’s event speaker was Brother Everett B. Ward, immediate past vice president of the Southern Region of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. This celebration also witnessed the reunion of more than 150 successful men who previously graduating from this program.

Morris L. Bell is president of Delta Delta Lambda, which works to instill in the minds of the young men the importance of their educational pursuits in order to improve the quality of their lives and the communities in which each lives.