henry_fernandez_1.jpgGod created you to be a winner. That’s right. No matter whether it’s family, business, ministry or pleasure, you have been designed to be successful at whatever you set out to accomplish. I know, you’re probably thinking, if that’s true, then why am I not getting anywhere in life?

Why am I stuck in the same old rut I’ve been in for years, making the same money, living in the same rundown house and driving the same old broken down car? Why am I so unhappy?

Maybe it’s because of your attitude, and the way you’ve been looking at yourself. Perhaps you’re where you are because you don’t believe you can do better. Or, maybe you’re so self-absorbed, you’re trying to do it your way.

Whatever the reason, you don’t have to be sitting around broke, busted and disgusted. Not when God has already set the wheels in motion for you to succeed and be everything He created you to be.

Your ultimate goal should be to discover your inner strength, to identify the gifts God has placed inside you, and then figure out how to put them to work.


Life is filled with challenges, and you can bet that many of them will find their way to your front door. But you determine how you meet or greet those challenges. Either you can ignore them when they ring your doorbell, hoping they will go away, or you can open the door and say “Welcome, Mr. Challenge. Come right on in. I wasn’t expecting you today, but I’m glad you’re here. I know just how to deal with you.”

That may sound a little comical. But the truth is, how you respond to life’s challenges will determine how far you go in life. If you view them as insurmountable obstacles or hurdles standing in your way, then likely you will have trouble dealing with them. Instead of facing your challenges head on, and trusting God to help you overcome them, you will feel overwhelmed, hopeless and helpless, and conclude that, “This is just too big for me to handle.”


One of the most challenging areas for many has to do with family relationships. They may be successful in their job, business or ministry, but at home everything is falling apart. Husbands and wives don’t speak to each other. Parents don’t know how to communicate with their children. Why is that? It’s because there is no love or close relationship.

A successful family begins with successful relationships within the family.

Relationship is important to God.

We see that in the book of Genesis, where God first introduced the marriage union: “And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him” (Genesis 2:18). God looked at Adam and said, “You know what, he needs someone to help him so I’m going to let him develop a relationship.” God gave Adam a wife, Eve, and called her his “help meet.”

A good way to develop successful family relationships is not to become addicted to something I call ALDAG — an acronym for anxiety, loneliness, depression, anger and guilt — five things I believe play a major role in destroying relationships and tearing families apart.


Philippians 4:6 says we are to “be careful,” or anxious “for nothing.”


Because anxiety destroys our faith in God’s love and promises and can lead to disappointment, which ultimately results in loneliness, depression, anger and guilt. Instead, the scripture says, “… but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (verses 6 and 7).


If you want to experience success, start by developing successful relationships at home. Show your family you love, appreciate and support them.

When you love and serve your family, you are also serving God. Start building successful relationships at home, so that you and your family can begin to enjoy the success God desires for you.


*Bishop Henry Fernandez is senior pastor of The Faith Center Ministries in Sunrise and author of the bestselling book, Faith, Family & Finances: Strong Foundations for a Better Life.  For more information visit  henryfernandez.org or call 1-954-742-7832.